

The New York City Broker

Brett Ari Fischer has always placed a significant emphasis on philanthropy, engaging in a variety of activities such as monetary donations, rallies, and in-person volunteering. With involvement in over 70 different charities and philanthropic endeavors, Brett is deeply committed to giving back. If there is a charitable cause important to you or your family, please feel free to reach out to him.

Brett’s philanthropic journey began at a young age, inspired by his parents and grandparents, who exemplified the importance of assisting those in need and set a positive example for the community. His grandmother, a teacher, and his grandfather, a Navy veteran, always prioritized others, believing they were blessed to be in their situation and felt a responsibility to provide others with the same sense of belonging and support.

Additionally, Brett’s mother is a psychotherapist specializing in gerontology and a dedicated teacher. Her primary goal is to bring joy and happiness to her clients and students, demonstrating that each life is valuable, regardless of age or mental/physical status. Brett’s father, a patent attorney and former law professor, shares this family ethos of helping, caring for, and educating others.

One cause particularly close to Brett’s heart is the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. In 2015, motivated by personal experience, he initiated a movement to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association and supports numerous other organizations dedicated to combating this devastating disease.

Brett founded The AllPie Alzheimer’s Challenge (AllPie ALZ) in honor of his three grandparents who suffered from Alzheimer’s, including his grandmother Savva, who passed away in late October 2014. The goal of AllPie ALZ is to raise $18 million for Alzheimer’s research and increase global awareness about the disease. The Challenge involves individuals recording themselves getting pied in the face and sharing the video on social media with the hashtags #AllPieALZ and #ENDALZ, using various types of pies, from blueberry to pizza.

The inaugural video was filmed in New York City’s Financial District on April 3, 2015, Savva’s first birthday after her passing, and was posted on YouTube and Facebook on April 12, 2015, Brett’s mother’s birthday. Brett has also created an Alzheimer’s awareness rap to encourage Joel Embiid of the Philadelphia 76ers to participate and has produced numerous videos to promote Alzheimer’s awareness. Below are some examples of his work:

Brett’s desire to start a charity for Alzheimer’s began in high school when his paternal grandmother developed the disease. Despite his passion, he initially hesitated, making excuses such as feeling like “just one person,” lacking the necessary resources or knowledge, and postponing his efforts to a later time. However, when his maternal grandmother Savva developed Alzheimer’s, and Brett witnessed her rapid deterioration, he knew immediate action was required. Tragically, Savva passed away before he could film the project and promote The Challenge .

To learn more about The AllPie Alzheimer’s Challenge or to collaborate on another cause important to you, please contact Brett at [email protected].