For Buyers

The Process Of Buying A Townhouse Or Single-Family In NYC
A townhouse or single-family offers more privacy and control, but it comes with its own sets of challenges and problems that you should be aware of.

What Is A Flip Tax / Transfer Fee
A flip tax is a transfer fee (usually between 1% and 3%) that co-op sellers have to pay when selling their apartments.

Financing Your NYC Real Estate Investment Through Mortgage
It’s possible to get a bank/financial institution to finance (part of) your real estate investment, but the process is different
For Sellers

What Is A Flip Tax / Transfer Fee
A flip tax is a transfer fee (usually between 1% and 3%) that co-op sellers have to pay when selling their apartments.

What Is An HVAC?
An HVAC system is responsible for circulating hot and cold air inside a building and maintaining the indoor temperature at comfortable levels.

What NYC Property Sellers Need To Know About Virtual Tours
Virtual tours are a great way to create a reusable digital tour of your property that potential buyers can take advantage of from the comfort of their homes.
For Renters

How Much Rent Can You Actually Afford
For most people, rent is either at the top or near the top of the list of most necessary expenses.

What Do Renters In NYC Need To Know About Security Deposit?
As a renter in NYC, you need to understand how much security deposit your landlord is allowed to ask for and what your rights are when it comes to getting it back.

Rent-To-Own: What It Is And How It Works In NYC
Rent-to-own can be an amazing option for people who want to make a move from renting to buying but still need time to save enough money or build credit.
New Development

What Is A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O)?
In NYC, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Department of Buildings and determines the use and occupancy status of a building. Read on to find out more.

What Is A Mortgage Recording Tax?
Property buyers in NYC need to pay a Mortgage Recording Tax when taking out a mortgage to buy a property or refinance an existing property.

What Is A Luxury Apartment in NYC?
A luxury apartment is not an official term. There are no specific criteria related to amenities and building features that