What is the average price to buy an apartment in New York? It’s honestly difficult to find an informative city-wide average because of how drastically the cost shifts from borough to borough and neighborhood to neighborhood.
The price also differs quite significantly between condos and co-ops. The average apartment prices are:
- $1.34 million for co-ops and $2.98 million for condos in Manhattan, based on Q4 2024 numbers. According to Streeteasy numbers, the median asking price for December was $2.3 million for condos and $895,000 for co-ops.
- The average apartment prices in Brooklyn are significantly lower. For the last quarter of 2024, the average condo price was $1.28 million and average co-op price was around $670,705. The median asking price for December was far lower, as per Streeteasy data – $399,000 for co-ops and $999,000 in condo.
- In the last quarter, the average price for a co-op in Queens was $344,745, and for condos, it was over $750,000. The median asking price (December 2024) was relatively higher—$815,000 for condos and $348,844 for co-ops.
- There is only data on the Median Asking Price for the Bronx and Staten Island, not the averages. The median was $269,000 for co-ops, $662,500 for condos in the Bronx, and $543,500 for condos in Staten Island.

It’s important to keep the difference between averages and medians in mind, as well as the price variation among neighborhoods within the same borough. Your New York City broker can help you research prices in a specific neighborhood for the type of apartment you are looking for.